If you are looking to set up a phone system for your business, and have done any research at all, a name you are bound to see popping up over and over again is “Cisco”.
Cisco is the biggest and best company when it comes to networking and phone systems in the world, and as such, are known the world over. Businesses all over the globe use Cisco for their communications needs on a day to day basis.
So, why choose Cisco for phone systems for your business? The reasons are numerous, and some of the main ones are listed below:
Quality is one of the main things Cisco stands for. This means you will get a quality service, amazing voice quality throughout voice calls, and quality after sales guidance, if required. Cisco’s user support is second to none, so should you encounter an issue, it can be tackled and rectified rapidly.
If you have happened to look into Cisco upon doing your research, the one thing that keeps being re-iterated again and again is how good the hardware that Cisco provides is. Issues are rare with Cisco hardware, and even if something does rear its head, Cisco engineers can have this fixed rapidly for you.
Unified Communications:
Cisco offer a service known as Unified Communications. What this means is, voice, video data and mobile applications are all brought together, under the one umbrella. This will enable teams to work better together, managers to delegate easier, business partners to communicate more effectively, and customers to communicate directly with the business. Mobile applications allow for business to be handled on the move, again making it even easier to perform tasks away from the office.
Greater mobility:
Cisco phones can be used where ever there is a broadband connection available, so this enables greater mobility throughout the office space. This feature would be especially beneficial for small to medium sized offices, as you are not tied down to having to position desks right beside phone jack ports anymore.
Reduced Costs:
Investing in a Cisco phone system for your communication needs can save you a lot of money. You will no longer have to worry about massive phone bills, as all calls will be handled through your broadband connection. Also, voice and web conferencing eliminates the need to travel to visit business partners or customers, so you will save big on travel costs, and with the extra time available, have the potential to increase productivity.
So, as you can see, the benefits of investing in Cisco for your phones system needs are great. There are many more benefits, far too many to be listed. However, you are sure to discover some or all of these along the way, after your initial investment with Cisco. There is good reason why, businesses the world over turn to Cisco for their phone systems – isn’t it time you found out why?