If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault, then there is a good chance that you have a strong case for financial compensation.
However, there are certain factors that you need to be aware of that will determine whether or not you are actually eligible to make a road accident claim.
The first of those factors is your Date of Limitation. Your Date of Limitation is the date your injuries became clear. You have three years from this Date to make a claim. After three years personal injury claims are time-barred, so it’s imperative if you have been injured in an accident through no fault of your own that you get legal advice as soon as possible. If you know your Date of Limitation, then you can contact a helpline for accident claims and get answers to questions regarding the claims process and potential claim value.
The second of those factors is how your accident happened. To make a claim for financial compensation, you need somebody to claim against and the other party needs to be partly or wholly responsible for your accident. Only if the other party is liable you can put forward a strong claim for compensation. You can in some cases make a claim if you are wholly liable for an accident but only in extreme cases, and you will likely struggle to find a personal injury solicitor who will take your case on under the circumstances because of the high risk.
If your accident happened in the last three years and somebody else was responsible for your accident, then you can definitely make a claim whether you have been involved in a road traffic accident, an accident at work or an accident in a public place. When you contact a helpline for accident claims, the claims advisor at the other end will ascertain your eligibility and provide you with advice. It is up to you whether or not you make a claim with the information you have. If you have a strong case for compensation, though, you really have nothing to lose and you could be owed thousands of pounds.
How much could you get? Most accident claims are for minor injuries and pay-outs range from £850 to millions of pounds. Most settlement demands are £1,000 – £10,000 but how much you could claim depends on the extent of your injuries, your recovery period and your prognosis for the future. You can also claim back any financial losses as a result of your accident including medical care costs and transport costs. Your solicitor will discuss this with you when the time arises and put forward a fair and proportionate settlement figure.